We are in-network with:

Medicare logo

We Are Proud To Provide Modern & Affordable Patient Care.

Our office accepts both Medicare and Palmetto GBA as insurance options. To learn more, please call our office at (757) 401-4796.

We accept multiple forms of payment, making it easier for you to feel your best. Our audiology services may be paid through cash or most major credit cards, including Visa, Mastercard, Discover, and American Express. We also offer CareCredit, click below to learn more.

Online Patient Forms

Please click on the link below to access our intake documents prior to your visit. Having your paperwork completed will help expedite your appointment.

We are in-network with:

aetna logo
Blue Cross-Blue Shield logo
Medicare logo
Lincoln Financial logo
Anthem logo
Cigna logo
guardian logo
United Concordia logo
Ameritas logo
Humana logo
United healthcare logo
Sun life logo

We Are Proud To Provide Modern & Affordable Patient Care.

Our office is in-network with many leading providers. We are more than happy to answer any questions that you may have about your plan to make sure that you are maximizing your benefits.

If you do not have medical insurance or your insurance does not cover certain aspects of your treatment, there are other methods to make paying for care easier. To learn about the different financing options available, please call our office for more information.

Online Patient Forms

Please click on the link below to access our intake documents prior to your visit. Having your paperwork completed will help expedite your appointment.

Creating A Solution That Works Best For You.

Our goal at Virginia Health is to improve your hearing health for the long term. We also educate our patients on the comprehensive services that we offer as well. Please contact our office by utilizing the resources below.